Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"Hey!" blurted a customer I had in the shop today. He was a bulky teenager, built like a brick wall. I'd assume he was his high school's top lineman. "This is what I need. Something to eat while on the bus to 'State. And before you say 'Well, why not just bring a sandwich from home?' I'll tell you why. I want something new, and something that'll get the rest of my pals on the team jealous."

"Something to eat?" I asked.

"Yeah! Don't you have something like that!?"

"Well..." I felt a little stuck. I ran through all of the potential products I had in the store.

"Come on, nothing? 'Just something big...filling...and..."

"I've got it! Now, it's not pretty but I think it's right up your alley. What do you think about a cheeseburger?"

"That's perfect!"

"Good, good. Take a look at this..."

"...this is a new German food. It's..."

"A cheeseburger in a can."

"That's right. A cheeseburger in a can. You can eat it cold, straight from the can. But you can certainly warm it for about ten minutes in a microwave or double broiler. It only costs about $6.00 (American) and has all of the food groups you could be looking for in time for the game. 'Not to mention, only about 260 calories."

"Yes! That's what I want. The boys won't believe this."

"Perfect, thank you."

I wouldn't eat that myself, but I hope it keeps the young man full and helps him at the big game!

Source: http://www.trekking-mahlzeiten.de/trekking-mahlzeiten-online-shop/produkte/Zwischenmahlzeiten_507/Cheeseburger_in_der_Dose_4641.html


Cheerios said...

Hahaha! This is ridiculous! I can't decide if this would be a good idea or not. I don't even know if it's a real product or not... it seems like an interesting idea!

0 said...

Awesome...insane idea. Where did you find this? Haha I actually want to try this out!

Ethan said...

That is amazing, and quite disturbing. I think it is up there with Spam as far as nutrition vale us concerned.