"Well, I don't quite understand. What's all the arguing about? Let me hear from the children here."
One of the boys began. "It's like this. I was getting ready for school this morning and HE stole my best jacket" he shouted while pointing at his younger brother.
The younger gave his own side to the story. "That's not true! He's too big for it. Mom said that it could be mine, but HE just wants it because now it's mine."
"But it is mine!"
"No it's not!" Right away, the two picked up their quarrel.
The mother seemed helpless. "I just don't know what to do."
"Well, let me think of something. But first let me ask you a couple questions."
"Alright. Go ahead."
"How about this, then?" I began. "What would you say if the solution were a toy that the boys could share? A way to settle disputes? And a way to have fun at the same time?"
"They can share this toy?" asked the mother.
"Absolutely. In fact, you have to play with a partner. Here's what I have in mind for you..."

"...this is a toy made by the Hog Wild company. It's a full ring specifically designed for thumb wrestling. I don't see why young boys like yours couldn't have fun with this!"
"Whoa!" cheered in the younger boy. "I'll beat you!" he taunted his older sibling.
"What!? No you won't!"
I thought I'd continue speaking with the woman. "Like I said, it does promote more competition, but I don't see how they could continue fighting over something silly like a coat. This can certainly be fun for two rival siblings."
"Right, right...I like it," said the mother. "I think that this could be a good middle ground for my sons. I'll settle the rest of that fight about the jacket."
"Perfect! Have fun, you two," I said to the younger boy.
"I will," he cheered happily. "Especially when I'm beating my big brother."
Source: http://www.hogwildtoys.com/funandgames.html#prothumb